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Chronic Pain Management in Farming Communities with Dr Kate Gunn

Farming takes a heavy toll on the body, with physical injury and musculoskeletal disorders being quite common. Unfortunately many rural areas also lack appropriate access to healthcare services, and there may be societal pressure to carry on regardless of the mental or physical toll.

Associate Professor Kate Gunn, from the University of South Australia, is involved in a groundbreaking new study that is looking at chronic pain management in rural and farming communities across Australia.
The research team includes pain expert Dr Lorimer Mosely, Dr Gemma Skaczkowski, and PhD student Indika Koralegedera. Together they are seeking to develop realistic ways to appropriately deliver care and management for chronic pain in rural communities by connecting with those impacted.

We sat down to discuss the upcoming study with Dr Kate Gunn, and how this can benefit people in rural and remote communities.

“Pain is an issue that a lot of farmers talk about and it seems to effect their mental health and wellbeing.”

Photo by Benjamin Davies on Unsplash
