Ambassador Program

The Basics

Starting Off

Here’s a general guideline for how your first couple of weeks as an Ambassador will go.  It’s just a general guideline, so if you’re having any issues with anything, just let Chloe or Tania know.

On Your First Day

  • Paperwork
  • Timecounts set up
  • Virtual Campus Tour
  • Concepts overview

During Your First Week

  • Meet the team
  • Deeper research into the concepts we’re work with
  • Draft up some ideas for Connection programs
  • Mock host your first Virtual Study Sessions
  • Deeper familiarisation with the Virtual Campus
  • Attend your first podcasting session (don’t worry – you won’t be recording yet)

Who you'll be working with

As well as your supervisors at the School of Health, UNE Life’s Student Experience team is here to support you through your placement.

Here’s a quick summary of who to go to for what:

Tania Court – UNE Life Student Experience Manager

Virtual Office | Email | Phone: 02 6773 2399

  • Any issues with your placement
  • Bigger project approval
  • Outside of business hours support

Chloe Green – Ambassador Program Coordinator

Virtual Office | Email | Phone: 02 6773 1178

  • Scheduling of Virtual Study Sessions
  • Coordinating connection programs
  • Setting up Virtual Campus for engagement activities
  • Not sure what to do

Ash Taylor – TuneFM Program Coordinator

Virtual Office | Email | Phone: 02 6773 1069

  • Everything to do with podcasting

Laura Murray – Student Advocate

Virtual Office | Email | Phone: 02 6773 5963

  • Help with how to deal with students with complex issues
  • Peer-to-peer social work placement support.

Logging your hours

On your first day, Chloe will help you get Time Counts set up.   Time Counts is where you will log your hours so we can verify them with the placement office.

Log your hours here: TuneFM Volunteer Hub


Policies & Procedures

Under the Ambassador Program you’ll be bound by policies and procedures in a number of ways:

UNE School of Health Field Education rules

You must follow any guidelines or advice the School of Health gives you, as well as the AASW Code of Ethics.

Cyberethics at UNE

It is important that students feel safe in online interactions.  Students should be aware of the University Cyberethics Policy, which is a guide to good behaviour and staying safe in online communication.

If you feel that there has been a breach of these guidelines you should contact Tania or Chloe who will guide you through what to do next.

All students should refer to the links below to ensure that they fully understand their rights and responsibilities associated with online use.


Your Virtual Office

Any time you’re working as a Student Ambassador you’ll be working at UNE’s virtual campus.  We ask that you dress nicely and are ready to have your camera and microphone on to talk to students and staff.

You’ll work in a number of different areas at the virtual campus.  You might be hanging out in the Ambassador office getting some paperwork done or heading to Holodeck.1 to lead a Virtual Study Session.





About UNE Life

UNE Life is a not-for-profit dedicated to enriching the student experience. Every purchase made through UNE Life directly supports student amenities and programs, ensuring our students have the resources they need to thrive academically and personally.  We manage many (19) of the services and facilities you’ll use throughout your time at UNE, ensuring they’re accessible, student-focused, and meet your needs. 

We believe in a thriving student community where every individual has the resources and opportunities to achieve their fullest potential. 

The Virtual Campus and the Ambassador Program is also supported by SSAF.


The concepts to familiarise yourself in

Social Isolation

Social isolation can profoundly impact university students who are studying online, affecting their academic performance, mental health, and overall well-being.  The lack of in-person interaction often inherent in online learning environments can lead to feelings of loneliness, anxiety, and depression, which can impair cognitive functions and hinder academic achievement.

Without the physical presence of classmates and instructors, students may struggle with motivation and concentration, making it difficult to stay engaged with coursework and participate actively in virtual discussions.  Additionally, the absence of a supportive peer network can exacerbate stress, as students have fewer opportunities to share their experiences, seek advice, and build meaningful connections.

Read more here


Shared Spaces

The lack of shared physical spaces significantly impacts students who study online at university, influencing their academic performance, social connections, and overall experience.

Without common areas like libraries, study rooms, and campus lounges, students miss out on opportunities for spontaneous interactions and collaborative study sessions that can enhance learning and foster a sense of community. The absence of these spaces can lead to feelings of isolation, as students have fewer chances to form friendships, join study groups, and engage in informal discussions that enrich their educational journey.

Additionally, the lack of a designated physical environment for learning can blur the boundaries between academic and personal life, making it harder for students to establish a productive routine and maintain a healthy work-life balance.


Smart Goal Setting

SMART goal setting can significantly enhance the effectiveness of study sessions for university students, providing a structured and focused approach to learning.  By setting Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound goals, students can create clear and attainable objectives for each study session.

For instance, rather than aiming to “study biology,” a student might set a SMART goal to “review chapters 3 and 4 of the biology textbook and complete the practice questions within two hours.”

This specificity helps to focus their efforts and provides a clear benchmark for progress. Measurable goals allow students to track their progress, while achievable goals ensure that the targets set are realistic given the time and resources available. By ensuring that goals are relevant, students align their study activities with broader academic objectives, making their efforts more purposeful.  Time-bound goals add a sense of urgency and help in managing time effectively, reducing procrastination.

SMART goal setting enables students to approach their study sessions with clarity and purpose, leading to more productive and rewarding outcomes.


Body Doubling

Body doubling is an effective strategy that can significantly enhance the study habits of university students by leveraging the presence of another person to increase focus and accountability.  This technique involves studying alongside someone else, either in person or virtually, creating a shared environment of productivity.  The mere presence of a “study buddy” helps students stay on task, as it reduces the temptation to procrastinate and increases motivation to maintain focus.

The accountability factor plays a crucial role; knowing that someone else is also working diligently encourages students to commit to their study goals and adhere to a structured schedule.  Additionally, body doubling can make studying feel less isolating, providing a sense of companionship and support.

This method can also foster an environment where students can share resources, discuss concepts, and offer mutual encouragement, further enriching the learning experience.  By incorporating body doubling into their study routine, university students can improve their concentration, enhance their academic performance, and make studying a more engaging and collaborative activity.


Pomodorro Method

The Pomodoro Method is a time management technique that can benefit university students by enhancing focus and productivity during study sessions.

This method involves breaking study time into intervals, typically 25 minutes long, called “Pomodoros,” followed by short breaks.  This approach leverages the brain’s natural attention span and need for rest, preventing burnout and maintaining high levels of concentration. By working in shorter, timed bursts, students can reduce the overwhelm associated with lengthy study periods and make tasks feel more manageable.

The anticipation of a break after each Pomodoro provides a sense of reward, boosting motivation and helping to sustain effort.  Additionally, the structured schedule encourages better time management and helps students to resist distractions, as they know they only need to focus for a short period before a break.

This cyclical pattern of work and rest can improve cognitive function, retention of information, and overall productivity, making the Pomodoro Method an effective tool for university students aiming to maximise their study efficiency.


Your Work

Virtual Study Sessions

Virtual Study Sessions are an opportunity for students to complete readings, work on assignments, and prepare for tests and exams, all while using body doubling to help spur them on.

Running the session means that at the beginning of each session, you will help students set an achievable study goal for the next two hours.  Then you’ll run the pomodorro timer to keep everyone in sync.

During the breaks it’s a good time to chat with students and pick up signs of any students who may need additional academic support.


Radio Show & Podcast

On Wednesdays, you’ll be working on the social work radio show (that is podcasted). Each episode features in-depth discussions, expert interviews, and personal anecdotes that highlight the challenges and triumphs of the social work profession.



Connection Point Programs

Sometimes study sessions aren’t the right way to connect with students.  That’s where the Connection Point Programs come in.  You’ll take a program from the initial idea through all the stages of the program including getting the word out, running the program sessions and evaluating its effectiveness in helping students form social connections with other students.

What sort of thing could a Connection Point Program be?  Well here’s just a few ideas:  bookclubs, crafting parties, bingo, zooniverse working bees (get those NEA points up), virtual dance parties, reading sprints (which seem to be different to bookclubs somehow?), game nights, short film or documentary viewings, virtual dinner parties.  We’ll help you come up with some ideas you’ll be comfortable running.


Referral Services

Advocacy & Welfare


Academic Resources


Wellbeing Resources


Frequently Asked Questions

Missing a shift?

Contact Chloe as soon as possible with the details of what you were scheduled to do that day and anything else she needs to know e.g. were you running a specific Connection Point Program or were you working on the radio show that day?

Working outside 9-5?

Working non-business hours is absolutely fine.  There will be times when we’ll need you to be available during business hours, but we’ll do our best to arrange it for a time that suits.